antimony flotation flow


    Antimony is a strategic metal which is used in many industrial areas The content of the antimony ore is the most important point for determining the area of usage  J Cent South Univ (2018) 25: 95–106 97 Figure 1 Flow diagram of antimony flotation process water and chemical reagent with the help of impellers The flotation process will go on again At last, the upper froth flows out of the cleaning IICoordinated optimization setting of reagent dosages in   After the gold flotation process, the tailings from gold rougher bank flow into the antimony flotation circuit The antimony particles are activated and separated under weakly acidic conditions The antimony flotation circuit consists of one rougher bank, two scavenger banks and two cleaner banksShapeweighted bubble size distribution based reagent

  • Design of Soft Sensor for Industrial Antimony Flotation

      Froth flotation is the most widely used method of mineral separation The froth state reflects the information of mineral content in the froth Therefore, the most common method is to evaluate the froth surface state to control the operation to improve the mineral recovery However, it is still a challenge to evaluate the froth state in real time, efficiently, quickly and accurately   Antimony (Sb) has received increasing environmental concerns due to its potential toxic and carcinogenic properties In the present work, the electrocoagulation technique was used to treat the flotation wastewater from a heavy antimony polluted area, and the mechanism of removing Sb was also investigatedRemoval of antimony from antimony mine flotation   The effect of activatorfree flotation on the antimony grade of the concentrate was, however, not reported Furthermore, the positive effect of activator addition (copper or lead salt) on stibnite recovery was also highlighted by Lager and Forssberg, 1989a, Lager and Forssberg, 1989b, Oberbillig, 1964Stibnite froth flotation: A critical review ScienceDirect

  • Datadrivenbased adaptive fuzzy neural network control

      In this paper, a realworld goldantimony flotation plant in Hunan province of China is discussed The simplified production flowsheet is shown in Fig 1It consists of two main objectives: (1) separate the gold from the raw ore in weakalkaline environment, while the antimony particles are ensured to be nonfloatable; (2) separate antimony under a neutral or High antimony extraction (943%) with low iron dissolution (23%) is achieved under the following leaching conditions: 45 mol/L hydrochloric acid concentration, 20 L/min gas Process FlowSheet for Gold and Antimony Recovery from Antimony is a silvery, white, brittle, crystalline solid classi fied as a metalloid that exhibits poor conductivity of electricity and heat In the Western world, it was (PDF) Antimony Production and Commodites


    Antimony is a strategic metal which is used in many industrial areas The content of the antimony ore is the most important point for determining the area of usage  A reagent dosage hybrid control strategy for the antimony flotation process is proposed in this work This strategy consists of two parts: reagent dosage tracking control based on a froth size probability density function (PDF) and reagent dosage compensation control based on a distributedmachine vision predictive model The proposed method was tested on a gold Reagent Dosage Control for the Antimony Flotation   Froth flotation is the most widely used method of mineral separation The froth state reflects the information of mineral content in the froth Therefore, the most common method is to evaluate the froth surface state to control the operation to improve the mineral recovery However, it is still a challenge to evaluate the froth state in real time, efficiently, quickly and accurately Design of Soft Sensor for Industrial Antimony Flotation

  • Antimony ore processing flow chart and plants

      Nature of antimony ore decides the antimony ore processing flow chart and the beneficiation method The general antimony upgrading covers hand selection, gravity separation, and floatation separation Flow sheet of energy   use of a depressant Starting with an containing antimony (589%), lead (034%) and arsenic (025%) a concentrate containing antimony 3068%, lead 152% and arsenic 085% was obtained without an depressant in a Devnver flotation cell The addition of a depressant resulted in a concentrate withSelective froth flotation concentration of antimonite ore High antimony extraction (943%) with low iron dissolution (23%) is achieved under the following leaching conditions: 45 mol/L hydrochloric acid concentration, 20 L/min gas Process FlowSheet for Gold and Antimony Recovery from

  • Antimony Recovery from EndofLife Products and

      Antimony has become an increasingly critical element in recent years, due to a surge in industrial demand and the Chinese domination of primary production Antimony is produced from stibnite ore (Sb2O3) which is processed into antimony metal and antimony oxide (Sb2O3) The industrial importance of antimony is mainly derived from its use as flame retardant in   Antimony ores are mined and then mixed with other metals to form antimony alloys , which are used in lead storage batteries, solder, sheet and pipe metal, bearings, castings, and pewter Antimony oxide is an antimony compound that is added to textiles and plastics to prevent them from catching fire It is also usedAntimony ToxFAQs™  Fig1 Process flow chart of alkaline leaching and electrolytic deposition of antimonybearing gold ore [20] Celop等 [ 21 ] 采用NaOH对难处理锑金银矿石进行预处理,其最优试验条件如下:NaOH浓度为5 mol/L,反应温度为80 ℃,矿石粒径为5 μm。含锑金矿预处理脱锑技术的研究进展

  • Selective beneficiation of antimony ore using

    Since, highgrade antimony ores are depleted, there are many research studies involving the enrichment of lowgrade antimony ores For this ores, mainly flotation is applied for beneficiation and Antimony is a strategic metal which is used in many industrial areas The content of the antimony ore is the most important point for determining the area of usage(PDF) THE BENEFICIATION OF ANTIMONY ORE   A reagent dosage hybrid control strategy for the antimony flotation process is proposed in this work This strategy consists of two parts: reagent dosage tracking control based on a froth size probability density function (PDF) and reagent dosage compensation control based on a distributedmachine vision predictive model The proposed method was tested on a gold Reagent Dosage Control for the Antimony Flotation

  • Antimony Mineral, Extraction of Antimony, Antimony

    The tailings from the flotation will be reelected by shaking table to recycle the fine antimony particles, which we can get high grade antimony concentrate and tailings Handsorting For massive bonanza in coarse particle size, Xinhai adds handsorting in crushing flowIn addition, inorganic Cr(VI) and Sb(V) always coexist in the textile and dyeing wastewater [5][6][7], antimony mine flotation wastewater [8], natural surface water [9], Removal of Antimony from Antimony Mine Flotation   The rotor speed then was reduced to 1200 rpm, the air flow rate was adjusted to 9 NL/min, and the flotation proceeded for 20 minutes Flotation parameters and flotation results are shown in Table X The flotation experiment results show that more than 90 pct zinc sulfide was recovered and that the recovered zinc sulfide grade reached 6670 pctSeparation of Antimony from a Stibnite Concentrate

  • Investigation of Complex Treatment of the GoldBearing

    antimony flotation concentrate Investigation of feed material has been occurred Mineralogical analyses (XRD, SEM EDS) and chemical analyses of the concentrate have been studied Mainly,  This molybdenum flotation circuit, based on 250500 tons per 24 hours is designed for lowgrade molybdenum ore having highgrade streaks and with pyritequartz gangueIt is also basically sound for many other friable sulphide Molybdenum Ore Processing by Flotation  Antimony has become an increasingly critical element in recent years, due to a surge in industrial demand and the Chinese domination of primary production Antimony is produced from stibnite ore (Sb2O3) which is processed into antimony metal and antimony oxide (Sb2O3) The industrial importance of antimony is mainly derived from its use as flame retardant in Antimony Recovery from EndofLife Products and

  • 含锑金矿预处理脱锑技术的研究进展

      Fig1 Process flow chart of alkaline leaching and electrolytic deposition of antimonybearing gold ore [20] Celop等 [ 21 ] 采用NaOH对难处理锑金银矿石进行预处理,其最优试验条件如下:NaOH浓度为5 mol/L,反应温度为80 ℃,矿石粒径为5 μm。Properties and reactions The most stable form of elemental antimony is a brittle silvery solid of high metallic lustreElectrolytic deposition of antimony under certain conditions produces an unstable amorphous form called “explosive antimony,” because, when bent or scratched, it will change in a mildly explosive manner to the more stable metallic formantimony Properties and reactions Britannica